Thursday, December 08, 2005

On This Date 25 Years Ago...

John Lennon was assassinated.


Jean said...

Do i sense a new 'on this day' feature taking place on this here blog, Mr. Babin?

kent said...

Now see here, Ms. Jean, maybe it could make a nice feature on this here blog. You reckon it's a good idear (intentional mistake)?

Jean said...

Ya I like it!
Where would the blog be without you?

Unrefreshed and boring that's where!! (sulking stage has passed – I'm nice again!)

kent said...

Thanks Jean. I really appreciate it. The question is, who is going to take control when I leave this fair city?

nicholas said...

Sorry, it was my friends who knocked off Johnny. I used to be tight with the beatles but we had a falling out when that yoko came into the picture and elmo got out of control and popped of Johnny.

Jean said...

Don't let's talk about sad departures...when is it you plan on leaving anyway?
And i don't know who could carry the responsibility of blog did (are doing) too good a job!

nicholas said...

It's true Kent is the master of the web. I think you should keep rights to post and just try to keep things going until someone new takes over from the next batch of trainees. It would be so killer to the community if the blog died!

nicholas said...

PS kent, can we have more uplifting "this day in history" So far we've had a bombing that started a war and an assasination. How about making it up. Did you know on this day the condom was invented bringing much hapiness to all of humanity!

kent said...

Not sure...the 26th, maybe. We'll have to hold a fair and democratic election at some point. Or someone can just threaten to break my legs and assume control...oh $%@#, ernie just walked in.

kent said...

thanks for all the support. i'll see what i can do for tomorrow..."On this day...whisky was invented, giving Jean an outlet for all her sorrows."