Monday, December 12, 2005

On This Day 104 Years Ago...

The first radio signal to cross the Atlantic was picked up near St. John's Newfoundland, by inventor Guglielmo Marconi.

And what a great medium radio has become…”You’re listening to Hardcore Conservative Talk Radio…101.1 on your FM dial.”


nicholas said...

Haha, remember those old "An important part of our heritage" commercials that acted that out.

I love the radio, I get to hear tons of super annoying ads and the same songs on a loop every hour. Thanks alot Marconi or whatever your name is. Though I guess walki talki's are pretty cool.

kent said...

Ya man...I remember those well. I think they were on TV, too...they might still be, actually. I always like the one about Laura Secord.