Wednesday, December 14, 2005

The Things I Find Normal in India

Let’s do a little comparison, shall we? An article came to my attention today, about food safety in Canada. It looked at supermarkets big and small to find various infractions. What’s interesting is that I no longer consider any of the following to be infractions…

I think you get the idea. I doubt any of you want to read about Canadian grocery chains, but I did use the article as a source, so I gotta reference it.

1 comment:

nicholas said...

So true man, the eggs that I buy from my little shop are always hot, becuase they keep them in with the pakoras. mmmmm hot eggs. I also enjoy when cockroaches run across the table at restaraunts you eat at and it doesn't phase me. I don't even want to know the conditions my tifin is made in but the 3 or 4 hairs we've found I'll write off as another Indian spice.