Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Did someone say 3 parties in 4 days?

Ok, guys, we need to figure out the leaving party situation ASAP.  As far as I know, the following people are leaving Chandigarh for good before the end of this year:


I’ve heard that Rolf and Tomoe are having their leaving party on Friday at 36 C.  Vladan and Voskresija are leaving on the 22nd and 23rd respectively, I believe, so we could probably have a “Slavic-themed” party on Saturday.  Then on Monday, the rest of us can have our leaving party….two Canadians and a Dane (we’ll win the war over that insignificant island…I don’t care how many battleships you’re sending there).

The reason for splitting the leaving parties up is mainly to have more parties.  There are other reasons, but I’m sure you all know what they are and I don’t need to go into them.

Here’s a recap:

Friday, 16th – Rolf and Tomoe at 36C
Saturday, 17th – Vladan and Voskresija at either Panchkula or 36 C
Monday, 19th – Nick, Mads, and Kent in 36 C

Other parties can commence after that, of course.  Let me know what you guys think and PLEASE DO NOT TRAVEL THIS WEEKEND.

1 comment:

nicholas said...

Here is the deal as I know it (I have the inside info). Voskrazia is leaving on Friday night to go traveling and Tomoe may do the same and they will not realy be back to Chandigarh so I propose a dirty sexy party on Thursday this week for Rolf, Tomoe and Voskrazia.

We can roll Vladin into that party as well or put him with the Kent, Nicholas, Mads party which we could move to saturday afternoon / night in either Panch or 36-C or both.

What say you?