Sunday, January 01, 2006

Sam's New Year's Resolution

Okay, that was just the cartoonist's resolution, as evidenced by his sloppy colouring.

My new year's resolution is to wake up earlier than 10 minutes before I have to leave the house in the morning so that I don't have to eat my breakfast on the run.


Unknown said...

Hm... maybe some people's resolutions should be to post more comments on the blog! ;)

kent said...

My resolution is to stay awake while reading a text's a lot harder than it seems. Belive me.

ryan101 said...

Well after getting food poisoning from the chicken on Christmas Day, i'm giving up eating meat now. It's not really a resolution - i will probably eat meat again when i'm away from India...

I'll try to cut down on my alcohol intake this year too... yeah, right!!!