Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Dinner Party

Hello fellow trainees - and Samantha - and Marine (sorry, I'm not sure how to spell the name...)

The blog seems to be going through a bit of a drought, so I'll try my best and blog more. We've had an idea:

Anyone in the mood for a dinner party? A proper one. We could cook together and... dare I suggest it... have wine?

Would be nice to have a fancy evening and a three course meal?? (or... we could just get together and mash potatoes... doesn't matter).

Maybe we should do it this week, while Marine is still in the City Beautiful? That way the both genders would have a 50% share.
Theek hai! Looking forward to hearing from you.


ignacio said...

cool...fantastic, i wanna cook something...

just let me know what can i bring...or can be a surprise...

perfect idea

thanks Nina

ryan101 said...

Capital idea.

And Nina... i had no idea you were leaving at the end of January... shocking, just shocking! i thought you were here longer... you'll be the first person i outlast here!

Jean said...

But where will the wine come from, that's what i wanna know...(it's too expensive for me & Indian wine is crap)
But yeah to dinner parties!!!

and Ryan you soon get used of outlasting people, isn't that right Marty ? (Marty's the longest here, right?)

ryan101 said...

Maybe a Menu would be a good idea so we could know what to make... and not all end up bringing mashed potatoes...

Yeah, wine is out of my budget i'm afraid. (i'm not really afraid, it's just a figure of speech... why would i be afraid of wine?!)

Oh, and Marty is on strike today... they took away his heater yesterday...

Besides, i know they have found a sneaky way to look at the blog, but i'm not so sure they can comment.

Nielsen said...

Well... I DARED mention wine... but, I agree about the expense. It is ridiculus.
Does anyone know how to brew...?

Great idea about the menu!

Maybe if people post about what they can actually make well. Hmm... I'll really have to think hard about this one... I'm no master chef.

...and since we have neither polar bears nor penguins here in Chandigarh, that excludes my Icelandic delicacy right away... :(

ryan101 said...

I make some mean roast potatos...

And i have just added some tasty muffins to my repetoire...

Both of which would need Samantha's oven though...

Unknown said...

Okay Ryan, I can take a hint!

I volunteer my place. It's got a big kitchen with all the appliances you could need! (Hm... that's a bold statement - watch someone prove me wrong...)

And I can donate a bottle of white (non-Indian) wine to the cause as well. Or maybe even two... if you're nice. ;)

Jean said...

My God Samantha that may be the most exciting news I've heard all week(thank you!)...and i was just about to look up recipes for home brew on the internet!

ryan101 said...

So when is this great dinner?

and it'll be in 38 right? or sam's? i was only hinting at using Sam's oven beforehand...

not that i mind where it is...

Nielsen said...

Friday sounds like the perfect day!!!
Thank you Samantha, for offering your place :)

Ryan, those potatoes sound good.
I will offer to make a tasty salad and some dessert. We can never have too many desserts.

Over and out :)

ignacio said...

nooooooooooooooo, friday is bad.....

lets do it on thursday please...i'm going to delhi on friday morning and already i missed a dinner before with all of you trainees...

please..tomorrow thursday


Unknown said...

Thursday (tonight) isn't good for me because I have my first Hindi lesson. What about next week? I'll be gone from Thursday to Monday, Jan 23, but we could have it on Tuesday?

Nielsen said...

So, neither Thursday (today) nor Friday???
So, Marine cannot come then, since she's leaving on Saturday. That's too bad.

Well, for me it's fine whenever...

I would also like to introduce a newcomer to the Foreigner's Mafia. Her name is Annika and she's from Germany. She's sort of come instead of Kathrin... and is almost working for Kathrin's organization. But, I'm putting some effort into getting her to switch sides and join us the extremely fun and wonderful people in YTTS!!!
She'll be there for the dinner party so you can all start to look forward to meeting her.

So, I guess we'll put up a new poll (Ryan? Is that your thing?) and vote on a day, starting from tonight/tomorrow/whenever???

And we all promise to vote only once (I'll admit to have voted a few times in the last poll. Sorry, I got too carried away, seeing that my name was in that one..)

Anyway... over and out