Monday, October 03, 2005

Love-Hate Relationship

I've heard from a few people that their Indian experience so far as been up and down like a rollercoaster. I characterize it as a "love-hate relationship." Sometimes it's good, other times it isn't. This begs the question, what do you like most and what do you hate most about India?

I'm torn between the hierarchy system and drivers not looking, on the hate side. On the like side, I would say the relaxed way of life.

Now is your chance to say whatever is on your mind about India. I know Nacho hates ants and rickshaw drivers, but is madly in love with chapati (and a certain potent potable).


ignacio said...

I also hate some indian questions, for example, What is the name of your father?, "why" country are you from?, do you have a girlfriend?, i always say no, but they come with another question...WHYyy you don't have a girlfriend?...
I really love indian food, not only chapatis...and also i love rickshaws in the evenings, but only when the rickshaw drivers don't try to kill you with stones in the head....

Jean said...

I hate not having anything to do once it gets dark (and that time is getting earlier) and being ignored or brushed aside because I’m a girl (especially if accompanied by a male- I actually become invisible…amazing) oh but they do have the ability to see my breasts….
And I hate being asked “where are you going by strangers/rickshaw drivers” – it’s none of your bloody business!!!
I love the food (too much!) and the sheer chaos of everything and the way everything just works despite the lack of communication and organization (I think the roads are testimony to this!)