Thursday, October 27, 2005

Another Day in the Office

If you have some time to kill check out one of Mads favorite websites and you'll get so pupmed you might kick someone in the face. But for god sakes don't drop a spoon!


Vladan said...

Hahahahahha! It's hilarious! :) I laughed out loud in the office this morning (yes, Kent, we at RMS are allowed to do it :) ). I especially LOVED those fake lawsuits! :) The man is a genius. And, I am pretty sure he's making nice money out of it. :)

nicholas said...

Kent don't laugh at this or you'll get your ass kicked but don't worry I got your back.

kyoush said...

Is it just me who found it to be a little juvenile ??...

Anyways, the site's owner is probably pretty ashamed of him/her self for making such a site that s/he did not even register with his/her real contact information. I mean Robert Hamburger !!... Who has a name like that??
In case anyone thinks that's a real name, care to read the address:
123 Hilton
LA, CA 90210
... simple, but hardly imaginative ...
oh and the phone number...

Anyways, just a personal opinion, but its not even remotely one of the good sites i've seen...

Vladan said...

Kyoush, why don't you send him a hate mail? :) Hahahahaha! :D

kyoush said...

Naaah... i think s/he already hates him/her self enough. Probably keeps sending Hate mails to his/her own email address... Maybe even made up all the stuff on that Hate Mail page.
I tell you, some people have no work at all... Too much free time... ;)