Tuesday, November 22, 2005


Rumour has it that this Friday is going to involve some serious partying in the honour of Arno, Emil, and Baikoro. Can anyone confirm the details of this little shindig?


nicholas said...

Rumours have been flying but I hear the party might be at Dirty Sexy. Can someone confirm the date though because I've heard both Fri and Sat but I know most people are going to a wedding on Sat?

The party also celebrates a few of us getting a year older. Voscrazia, Ryan, and me!

ryan101 said...

I think the birthday celebrations should be separated to another party. But then againif the birthday party is after the leaving party, there will be less people around to buy me presents...

And excuse me, but Ryan isn't going to get old. Ever. I'm going to be a 21 year old stud for the rest of my life.

kent said...

Ya, let's separate the b-day and leaving parties. Make the leaving party on Friday at 36 C and the b-day parties somewhere else (or at 36c) again.

Does anyone want to ask baikoro what his plans are? Emil and Arno are already set for Friday.

nicholas said...

I'll check with baikoro tonight but I think he'd be fine with Fri night.

ignacio said...

i thought Baikoro was in Ivory Coast already...what a surprise!!!..since a lot of time that i don't see him!!!

nicholas said...

Confirmation is in. Party at the ever popular Five Seasons 36-C this friday!