Thursday, June 08, 2006

Jamie – Cheerio Old Chap. A Tribute.

Possessed Jamie

FilmStar Jamie

Holi Jamie

SunStroke Jamie

Best of Luck on your travels south! And enjoy your Virgin flight home!


Unknown said...

Bye Jamie! Have fun travelling around India with your girlfriend. And hope to see you in the UK next year.

Unknown said...

Arg! How come I can't comment on Lucie's goodbye post?

ryan101 said...

Enjoy your travels Jamie, you'll be missing Chandigarh in no time...

Hmm, there's too many drunken stories of you to get into now, but thanks for your advice on buffet technique.

And Lucie, hope you had a good time in India, you'll be pleased to know that the red disease seems to be confined to India!