Monday, April 10, 2006



Lately, we were travelling around City Beautiful just to have some fun...Some trainees have been to "Bizarres" National Parks...and personally, i have to take Jean every weekend to an amusement park otherwise she doesn't stop talking about Amir Khan...
We remember trainees from 38-B going to a National Park near Haridwar just to spend some time with tigers but they saw sick (not sikhs) elephants "only" and weird people doing "moist" things outside the road "only"...ask Jamie for more details.

I have to tell you that last weekend Jean and I went to the mountains looking for that Mysterious Tiger (Not Kasouli Tiger) and we finally found it.

Here is the evidence of our extreme and dangerous weekend...

This is "Moisty"...The Tiger

I was so scared of Moisty...

I think they have something...look at Jean's face


Jean said...

I wish I found Amir Khan in the mountain...

ignacio said...

yeah...maybe you'll find him and surprise surprise, he will ask you...

Which Country?
Do you like INDIA?
Father Name?

finally you'll prefer be with Tiger