Thursday, May 18, 2006

A tribute to our "South African" friend

Working Nacho

Contemplative Nacho

Cool Nacho

Kashmiri Nacho aka Rickshaw Driver Nacho

Happy Nacho!

We'll miss you in all your forms. Have fun in Europe!


ignacio said...

ohhh god..i arrived in Germany today...jesus everything is so different....i cant believe more Euros...i can even buy a coffee...

the train was good, now chaiiii guys...but weird names in german for cant do it...i miss my Ambalaaaaaa sound...

guys i will miss you i read about the meeting today in 38 and i felt crying..

i have to go cheese is waiting for me...

ps:nobody knows mosquitos glutchitzer in here...

Unknown said...

Jean - What happened to Nacho Monkey Boy? I liked that picture. It was so funny!