Monday, August 01, 2005

Where's the party? IMPORTANT! TELL EVERYONE!

I'll take it by the lack of response to the previous post, that not many people are reading this blog. In case you are reading it, we are having a big party on wednesday (aug 3) night to celebabrate us (the mani majra crowd) leaving the house for a bigger one. That's right MHA is moving locations. More on that later though.

There is one special thing about the party on wednesday, and it involves the theme:

PIMPS AND HOES is the theme. I hope this doesn't offend anyone, but the goal is for guys to dress up like a pimp would in their country and for girls to dress up like hoes would in their country. I guess guys could dress like hoes and girls like pimps, but do any of us really want to see a guy in drag?

The goal is to be imaginative and this theme is not meant to be offensive. Have fun with it and wear something tacky. For all you potential hoes, Willemijn will help you with your outfit if you're not sure what to do. One hint, bright red lipstick smeared on your lips and some eye shadow running down your cheek. All you pimps, there may or may not be a Serbian wearing a track suit (apparently serbian pimps wear track suits), so there's an example. But like I said, use your imagination.

We're also planning to do a Mr and Mrs. Trainee contest based on best costumes and such. Not sure what the prize is, but it'll probably involve alcohol.

If you have any questions, call Kent (i wish I knew my number) or Salvador (who doesn't know his number) or anyone else at our house.

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