Wednesday, May 30, 2007

REVIVAL of the Trainee Blog

Hello girls and boys,

after long time period this blog seemed to be dead ...

But we are back ... posting newest events, gossip and of course embarassing pictures ;-)

I hope that we will together take hands, post like hell and pray for this blog to survive.

  • Be informed everywhere about everything that happens in Chandigarh
  • Keep in contact with our subsidiaries in the suburbs of Chandigarh ;-)
  • Opportunity for new trainees to get in contact with us

Samantha granted me access in an administration role. So I would suggest that you send me an email or SMS if you want to be invited and write posts ...

So: 1, 2, 3 ... GO!

Greetings from the freezing office in Chandigarh City


P.S.: I like the game with the colours ... cool feature ;-)